template: T.R.A.Y. "HAng On" (Mp3)

T.R.A.Y. "HAng On" (Mp3)

Title: Hang On
Artist: T.R.A.Y.
Album: So Midwest Hollywood
This song was written a while back. In it I tell the story of a guy who has a crush on a girl in school. So he secretly admires here, all the while in his head telling her to hang on. At the time the guy doesn't feel like he's good enough for her, until one day he finally gains the courage to talk to her. The story is actually told in first person and based on a true story. If you listen closely you'll see that there are actually 3 parts to this, and the songs plays out like a movie. Part 1 is the song "Hang On" (how they met). Part 2 is "A Fairytale" (what happen next). Part 3 "Had Enough" (the breakup and why) Part 2 and 3 are on the T.R.A.Y. "Home 4 the 1st Time" mixtape.

Download: T.R.A.Y. "Hang On"


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